🔐Security & Audits

Verified & Audited

All the contracts are open for external code auditors / white hats to verify the code. We're constantly running bug bounties and conducting security audits. The latest audits perfomed by Peckshield and Shellboxes can be found here:


Real-Time Security Monitoring

Velvet.Capital partnered with Forta (the largest network of security intel in Web3) to get machine learning-generated intelligence about exploits, scams and other threats from a community of leading security experts.

Velvet.Capital also uses Open Zeppelin Defender 2.0, a security platform to code, audit, deploy, monitor, and operate the protocol, including its native integration with Forta.

Finally, Tenderly provides transaction simulation and real-time alerts for on-chain events, including any irregular activity.

Bug Bounty

We currently have two bug bounties live, please refer to the scope and rewards on Immunefi and Hats Finance:

- Velvet Capital Bug Bounty Program (Hats Finance)

- Velvet Capital Bug Bounty Program (Immunefy)

Last updated