Vault Admin

Whitelist Manager Admin:

  • The vault creator can assign this role to any address which gives that particular address the ability to add Whitelist Managers who can manage whitelist users. By default the portfolio owner is the whitelist manager admin.

Whitelist Manager:

  • The vault creator can assign this role which gives ability to add/remove addresses from the vault whitelist (users who are able to deposit and withdraw from the vault).

Asset Manager Admin:

  • The vault creator can assign this role to any address which gives that particular address the ability to add any asset manager who can manage the whole fund and will be able to change settings of the fund and also rebalance it.

Asset Manager:

  • The vault creator can assign this role to any address which gives that particular address the ability to manage the vault and will be able to change settings of the vault, trade and rebalance it.

Description changes

  • The vault creator can change the description of the vault using the setting’s tab.

Fee changes

  • The vault creator can change entry/exit fees, management fees and performance fees by first proposing it and then after 28 days implementing it (to give users enough time to exit the vault before the fee change).